Welcome Baby J!

Welcome Baby J!

I’ve been meaning to get this post up for a few days now, but things have been such a whirlwind!

Hard to believe, but it’s been over a week now since we welcomed little Jacob Benjamin Stuyt. He was born on Sunday, March 4th, 2012 and weighed 7lbs 13oz.

Here he is!

This little guy arrived two weeks early and at the end of a very long, very crazy week.

Backing up to the previous Sunday, you might remember that we had K’s baptism. That was just to kick things off! By Monday, Ke had a cold, and by Tuesday both Dave and K had the flu. Luckily, I managed not to catch it (I was figuring that at 37 weeks, that was just what I needed). Poor K was sick for days. On Thursday I had to leave for our first competition and it just about killed me to leave him sick at home.

The competition was a full four days of dance. It was only an hour away, but I stayed at a hotel the first two nights instead of trying to drive home at 10:30 at night and have to be back at 7am the next morning. It’s a lot of running around and being on my feet the whole time. Thursday, before I even got there, I was having contractions for most of the day, but put them off as Braxton Hicks.

Friday evening, my grandmother (Mama) passed away. She will be missed!

By Saturday I was pretty wiped out, and I started having contractions again in the afternoon. At one point I thought I might have to leave before my girls were done dancing for the day, just because I felt like crap, but I managed to stick it out. I figured I was just tired, not in labour. Dave came to meet me at the comp in the afternoon and drive home, since my mum had to leave earlier in the day and head home. By the time we were heading home I was wondering if I should be going to the hospital to get checked out, but in the end I just wanted to get home first, see K, relax and sleep (Plus I didn’t want to have the baby that far away from home!).

I’m not really one to get into my whole birth story, but needless to say I only got to sleep for about an hour before my water broke and we were back up and off to the hospital! Talk about a long day, I had been up since 5:30am and working for 14-15hrs! I ended up being in labour for about eighteen hours before J arrived.

So it was a long haul, and I missed my girls dancing on Sunday, but it was worth it!

More pics to share:





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